Nature Factual, 32 X 60 mins, 4K HD
In this intense, fast-paced series, Cyril Chauquet and his seasoned, four-man crew embark on a punishing and dangerous mission to find and study the last giant fish on the planet. These behemoths once ruled the world’s wild rivers, lakes and oceans, but after years of habitat destruction, pollution and commercial pressure, are there still real giants out there? There’s only one way to find out, but it’s going to be a real challenge.
In order to collect the samples they need to help save these gigantic fish, Cyril and his team will have to survive in some of the most remote and hostile environments known to humanity. From the raging rivers and deadly canyons on the last frontier between northern Canada and Alaska, to the fearsome jungles and piranha-infested rivers of the Amazon rainforest and shark waters of Africa, the series takes us behind the scenes as the team doggedly pursues their mission while facing jaguars, grizzly bears, anacondas, caimans, tarantulas, treacherous weather, and even menacing, armed locals.
Broadcast in over 170 territories on Discovery Canada, National Geographic (USA, UK), Disney+, Canal Évasion, RMC Découverte and more.